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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Nov 21, 2023

Giving Thanks Is Good Medicine

By SMH Clinical Counselor Elizabeth Bornstein

Did you know that expressing gratitude is actually good for your health? Countless studies agree that people who feel thankful and have a regular gratitude practice experience more joy and better health outcomes, while dealing with anxiety and challenges in a more productive manner. It's easy to start!

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Posted: Nov 14, 2023

The Great American Smokeout Is Here!

Kick the habit with a little help from the experts.

As of the latest FDA studies, tobacco use remains the #1 cause of preventable death in the US. And each day, roughly 1,600 youth smoke their first cigarette. Fortunately, studies also show that smoking cessation programs work, which is why Sarasota Memorial partners with the Gulfcoast South Area Health Education Center to promote The Great American Smokeout every year.

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Posted: Nov 7, 2023

Varicose Veins: Causes and Treatment

With endovascular surgeon James Shepherd, MD

Uncomfortable, unsightly and quite possibly the sign of a serious circulatory issue, varicose veins are very common but also very treatable. Learn more about where they come from and how you and your doctor can manage or even get rid of them

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Posted: Oct 30, 2023

Spider Veins: Less Sinister Than They Sound

With Endovascular Surgeon James Shepherd, MD

Appearing in clusters on the skin, spider veins can sometimes be bothersome and cosmetically displeasing. Thankfully, they're easily treatable with no negative side effects. Learn more about your treatment options and what your veins say about your vascular health.

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Posted: Oct 24, 2023

Six Times A Survivor

Inside Linda Davey’s extraordinary lifelong battle against cancer.

Linda Davey was only 27 when she had her first bout with cancer. She's had five more since, with the latest coming just as the pandemic hit. Some people call her "The Miracle Child," because nothing can keep her down. When Davey tells the story, though, she doesn't talk about miracles. She talks about doctors.

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